Teams Who Trust Achieve More. Here Are 7 Steps to Build Trust at Work

Trusting teams are more than the sum of their parts. This article will show you how to build a culture of trust in your workplace.

Chris Bergen
The Startup


Photo by David E. Klutho

Trust is how a team becomes more than the sum of its parts. This is true for any team, such as a sales team, a sports team or a group project in school. This article will help you gain a better understanding of what trust in a team looks like, why you should care, and offer advice on how you can build it in your workplace.

What Is Trust in a Team?

One definition describes trust as a “reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.”

So what does that mean? It means you’d wilfully rely on someone else to do something that impacts you. You choose to believe in that person’s ability and integrity, relinquish your control, and expect a good result.

Think of Wayne Gretzky. In Wayne’s NHL career, he scored 894 goals, more than any player in NHL history. In his career, he also amassed 1,963 assists. This means that, even though Wayne was the greatest goal-scorer in NHL history, he still thought it was a better decision to have someone else take the shot over twice as often.



Chris Bergen
The Startup

Award-winning manager | Top Writer in Leadership and contributor at The Startup, The Helm and more | I’m into 80’s metal, Sci-Fi and Fitness 🤟🏼