Ten Tips to Find and Hire a Good Business Coach or Mentor

A Bulletproof Guide to Finding The Perfect Fit

Krista Mollion
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You’ve heard that successful people have coaches and mentors so you are curious about seeing if you can afford one and find one that helps you achieve your goals. But you have no idea how to get started nor how to vet these coaches. Don’t worry — I’ve got you covered!

1/Review Their Resume

The best coach or mentor is one who has proven experience and success in business. It is even better if they have achieved what you want to achieve and know all about your industry. However, this might not be necessary if your goals are more overarching, such as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, or organization. Regardless, it only makes sense to hire someone to help you with success if they had success. Also, look at their areas of expertise closely. If they got all their clients on Facebook and you know your clients are on LinkedIn, it’s probably not the right coach. Find someone whose expertise matches the skills you need to master.

2/Stay Local Unless You Have High Trust

Working internationally can be great but depending on the investment, you will not have the same protections for legal and financial recourse should you fall prey to a…



Krista Mollion
The Startup

Ex-Agency Owner For Top Iconic Brands Turned Fractional CMO + Educator for Small Business Owners and Creators To Go From Semi-Invisible To Un-Ignorable