Test Automation Using Taiko and Gauge

Ramesh Khatri
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2021


“Together, Taiko and Gauge provide software developers, IT leaders, and their organizations’ reliable test automation — which is the backbone for continuous delivery,” — Mansi Shah, Managing Director and Head of Operations, ThoughtWorks Products.

Source: taiko.dev

Before Starting, I would like to answer some of the questions which you might be thinking of.

  1. Can I setup taiko and gauge easily and fast? — Yes
  2. Are these free to use? — Absolutely
  3. Can I do end-to-end testing of my web application? — A big YES

In this article, I will provide a basic understanding of how we can use taiko and gauge to automate chromium-based browsers

Taiko is a free and open-source Node.js library with a simple API to automate browsers where tests are written in JavaScript or any language that compiles to JavaScript

Gauge is a test runner for writing readable and reusable acceptance tests in markdown format

Before installing taiko and gauge, verify that node.js is installed on your system. If not, please install it first.

Then, to install taiko globally use npm install -g taiko
You can verify that taiko is installed…



Ramesh Khatri
The Startup

Software QA Engineer | Passionate about Technology | It’s not about what I required, It’s about gaining knowledge | Read and learn anything about everthing