IDE/Text Editors, I Use as Programmer.

The Startup
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020

To learn coding, there are two essential things you need. The first is coding training, and the second is a text editor. A text editor is a program that runs on your PC or Mac, which you’ll use to write all of your code. IDE is an Integrated Development Environment. You can do a lot more than just “Text editing” on IDE. Such as compiling, debugging, running etc. If you want to know more about IDE and Text Editors here is link to Quora dealing with it:

Every Programmer has its own need and choice so I will only mention those which i have used in past or do right now in present:


Pronounced as Notepad plus plus was my favorite text editor while doing my Programming fundamentals lab during my first semester in University. Also i used to write my DBMS statements in it before i use to check it on MySQL cause i had this bad habit of forgetting things while brainstorming.

Adobe Dreamweaver:

Though it is pretty neat but i never heard any of my class mates and senior, that they used Dreamweaver other than doing HTML. It came really handy to me in first semester as i use to check my HTML code result live on split screen. It also contains IDE for different languages. It is also use for designing purposes.

Dev C++:

Not one of my favorite but the most favorite indeed. Not heavy on the RAM but also easy in compiling the code. I still use it for my C++ projects. Always handy. Used it more than any IDE. Love it. Its debugging is complicated but not that bad.

Visual Studio:

Most reliable and most used by me. I used it for my Python coding in my A.I. course. Also for my C++ courses when i used to deal with sql lite and JS now and then. Pretty advanced and can we use for multiple programming languages. I always enjoy coding in it.

Sublime Text 3:

Most used Text editor by me. Elegant and reliable. Very neat for beginner. Perfect for CSS and HTML coding. I also use it for JavaScript.

Visual Studio Code:

I never used it much as it was too complicated for me as beginner. Also i liked Visual Studio more so VS code version of it wasn’t for me. Though it is favorite of almost half of the programmers i know.


Only used it for my A.I. Project and It was very complicated for me. Web Developers in Python and Data Scientist use this more often.

I will keep updating this blog for myself.

