Learning by Example

The 1-Star Android App Review

Deconstructing, Responding, and Avoiding: 3 Real-World Examples

Thomas Sunderland
The Startup
Published in
11 min readJun 12, 2019


Your code is complete, your tests have all passed, and your app is now published to the Google Play Store. People are downloading it and the early reviews are trickling in and they are positive. Things are really starting to get exciting now. Your users appreciate the obvious hard work and time that you have put into the app. Your confidence is starting to soar and then it happens. You receive the dreaded 1-Star review.

Developer who had thought that their app was flawless

Do not fret my fellow Android developer! For even the greatest, most popular, and most widely downloaded apps in the Google Play Store have all felt the sting of the 1-Star review. In fact I would challenge you to find an app in the Top Charts that has a perfect record devoid of 1-Star reviews.

It is not a matter of will you receive a 1-Star review, but rather a matter of when will you receive a 1-Star review. So with that in mind it is paramount that when you do receive it, you are able to (1) understand what went wrong, (2) respond to it in a clear and respectful way so that you do not turn other potential users off and (3) avoid the same mistake from happening again.

