The #1 Way to Reduce Stress and Live the Life You’ve Always Wanted

Christopher D. Connors
The Startup
Published in
7 min readFeb 17, 2019


Stop rushing.


Please, it’s not going to help you. If you’ve procrastinated, trying to make up for lost time in just a few hours and expecting a masterpiece won’t cut it. Not only is it likely that the results won’t be what you want, you’ll cause yourself stress by going full-fledged “rush job”.

And we all know, stress is a killer.

Many of us are living with stress, anxiety, fear and insecurity about what will come next in our lives. It’s not just a part of life — it’s a way of life for millions of people.

Some of us get so used to it, we may not even realize it. So we start to worry. And when we worry, we either do not commit to action, or we begin to internalize stress, which manifests itself in anxiety. When we do make a move, it’s rushed and feels forced. It doesn’t feel natural.

It feels like we’re not really ourselves. We hurry.

We lose.

It’s so important that we master the processes and routine that we perform every day. It’s critical for us to become great planners! Once we do, we become more efficient. We get quicker. Then, we don’t need to hurry. And we worry less. We stress less. Life comes more natural in the flow.

