The 4 Things Every Leader Has to Give as Workplaces Reopen

A leader’s guide for getting the team back together

Austin Walker
The Startup


Do you know what’s weird to think about? People used to go places. I see clips of sporting events and huge crowds, and immediately think, “You can’t do that! You can’t high five!”

It’s interesting how quickly our brains re-wire under pressure. It wasn’t long ago that movie theatres packed to the brim were fun, sporting events sold out brought energy, and restaurants filled with people enjoying themselves added to the buzz.

Context: This article is written and published in June, 2020. Most workplaces in the United States have been closed or have been working from home for around three months, and many are beginning to reopen.

June 1, 2020, our office resumed regular business hours. We’re a multi-site church with offices in a few different cities throughout our state, and June 1 brought us back together. We’re using adequate precautions and maintaining social distance in the office…but we are in the office.

For some of our team, they feel like it’s too soon. Others have been chomping at the bit to return.

Either way, we’re back. And as a leader, there’s part of me deep in my bones that have been craving time with my team. I have grown…



Austin Walker
The Startup

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.