The 5-Step Brand Strategy Sprint

A quick, sure-fire approach to tame the brand strategy beast!

Adam Charlton
The Startup


Don’t worry, strictly no Post-its required! Image from Unsplash.

The goal of the brand strategy sprint is to quickly dive into your brand and align the team on the direction you want to take.

In order to do this we need to understand where your brand is right now, by understanding what makes your brand, in order to reveal your core values. From here we can then build your personality, purpose and mission.

86% of Consumers State That Authenticity Is Important

In order to communicate your brands authenticity, we need to uncover your true core values. The brand strategy sprint process is designed to uncover your core values, and to create and communicate your brand’s mission.

There are five steps to the brand strategy sprint

  1. DNA
    Who are you, right here and now?
  2. Vision
    Whats in your past and future?
  3. Core values
    What do you stand for?
  4. Personality
    Who are you?
  5. Your brand mission
    Why should people care about your brand?

1. DNA

