The 50 Best Business Books to Read in 2019

Cody Cameron
The Startup
Published in
21 min readMar 25, 2019

This review of the top 50 business/self help books will help you determine which books to read and which ones to avoid like the plague.

2018 was an important year for me. I challenged myself, at the start of the year, to read more books. 50 books to be exact. Why 50? Because Ulysses S. Grant is on the 50 dollar bill and he’s a badass… duh.

In all seriousness, 50 was the number to hit because it’s said that CEOs read 50–60 books a year. This was no easy task for someone that could count the amount of books I’ve read, in my life, with my hands. That’s 10 or less for those that struggle at math. So I figured that 50 was the number to hit. I know that if I want to be a high level executive or own my own company someday that I should start doing what CEOs do to be successful.

I ended up not only hitting my goal but surpassing it by reading 51 books. Not only that but I reviewed them, scored them, and put them in order for anyone looking to read some new books. Please note that only 50 are ranked because one was so great I ended up reading it twice. Keep in mind that these are all business books related to self improvement, leadership, sales, money, mindset, and bettering your current situation. These books were all great. Some are definitely better than others.

I ranked these books with 5 stars for each of the following categories: Story (how well the story is told), Content (how awesome is the information), and Application (how applicable the information is to better your situation). Books may have received demerits for various offenses that reduce their stars and ranking. Ties are broken with the order of likeliness that I would recommend the book to a friend. I kept the review portion as simple and honest as possible.

The Rankings

50) The Lean Startup (Eric Ries) Eric Ries

Overall: 7.5/15–3.25/5 Story 3/5 Content 3.25/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 2 for extremely boring)

*Don’t recommend*

This book was so boring that even writing this review put me to sleep! Some of the concepts in it are helpful and informative but it didn’t wow me at all. I was a fan of the different innovative ideas within the book from Ries past experiences but that’s about it. Nothing very memorable from this book. Steer clear.

49) The Third Wave (Steve Case) Steve Case

Overall: 7.75/15–3.5/5 Story 3/5 Content 2.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1.25 for sob story)

*Don’t recommend*

If you’re looking for a lousy sob story this is your book. Case talks about how he co-founded AOL and the history of it systematically being ran into the ground. But God forbid Steve Case take any of the blame. It’s basically a memoir of how nothing was his fault. However, I did find some of the history about AOL interesting in this lackluster read.

48) Tools of Titans (Timothy Ferriss) Tim Ferriss

Overall: 8.5/15–2.75/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 3/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1 for not being original enough)

*Don’t recommend*

It makes sense how The 4 Hour Work Week is so creative and innovative… it’s because it stole all original thoughts and uniqueness from this book. I mean for real, you get 0% Tim Ferriss original content in this read. It’s basically a giant book created from other books that aren’t even Ferriss’s. I’m not sure if this is considered plagiarism or if the other Authors are making money from this or what. The concepts are interesting because it breaks down every area of your life from business, to health, to spirituality, etc. For how much time I invested in this mammoth, I was salty on the RIO I got. Skip.

47) Think Like a Champion (Donald Trump)

Overall: 8.75/15–2.5/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1 for being hard to follow)

*Read at your own risk*

This book was pretty lackluster to say the least. It’s basically a book of various characteristics that lead to one being more successful. Seemed a little on the mumbo jumboey side of things to me. Meh.

46) The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck (Mark Manson) Mark Manson

Overall: 9/15–3/5 Story 3/5 Content 3/5 Application

*Read at your own risk*

This book was like eating the blandest version of mashed potatoes you’ve ever eaten. Just mush. It’s basically click bait in book form. Manson does have a good point how certain people don’t react or learn from constant positivity because sometime you need a swift kick in the nuts. I guess I just expected more from the sage that apparently gives zero fucks.

45) AskGaryVee (Gary Vaynerchuk) Gary Vaynerchuk

Overall: 9/15–2/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1 for being hard to follow)

*Read at your own risk*

*Recommended- Ranks above #46 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I think the content in this one is excellent as you’ll likely get from Gary Vee. However, I think that this should have been kept a vlog. Seems like someone wanted to monetize a little bit too much for this one. But in all honesty the lessons are good as he basically just puts various questions he’s answered on the AskGaryVee YouTube channel in book form. It was just so much that it was impossible to retain and took forever to read. Check out his other stuff first.

44) The Culture Code (Daniel Coyle) DanielCoyle

Overall: 9.5/15–2.5/5 Story 4/5 Content 3/5 Application

I think culture is an awesome topic that’s very relevant but I don’t think this book is all that great. Coyle basically gives you different tips to help understand and better your work culture. I will give him that the content and stats are interesting and kept me listening.

43) The Millionaire Booklet (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 9.5/15–2.75/5 Story 4/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .75 for not enough meat and potatoes)

*Recommended- Ranks above #44 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I like this book because it’s a simple, grassroots approach to becoming a millionaire. So grassroots in fact that Cardone states that the first step to becoming a millionaire means that you have to know what math will get you there. I never thought of that but he’s got some great points in this. He gives the book away for free (just pay shipping) which he still makes bank on I’m sure, but still it’s nice.

42) Rise and Grind (Daymond John)

Overall: 9.75/15–3/5 Story 3.25/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

I wanted this book to be so much more. It’s a great book if you’re wanting to learn about different lifestyles that cause people to have success. The only thing is I wish Daymond talked more about his personal experiences vs. other people’s experiences. I bought this book to learn about this shark and there was only a couple chapters on him, maximum. It reminded me of Tools of Titans in the fact that it’s mainly other successful people’s content.

41) The Art of the Deal (Donald Trump)

Overall: 10/15–3.75/5 Story 3.5/5 Content 2.75/5 Application

I thought this was an interesting book. I wanted to learn more about Trump since he became president and picked up two of his books. He goes on about different scenarios in his life that lead to his success in business. I had a hard time figuring when you start to learn about the art of the deal because it seemed more of a brag book. You definitely can take some lessons from this book but not many, if you’re not in real estate.

40) Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Ashlee Vance)

Overall: 10/15–3.75/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 3/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 because author is too biased)

*Recommended- Ranks above #41 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I can’t tell if Ashlee Vance admires Elon or hates his guts. If you’re an Elon nerd this book is the one for you! You’ll learn a lot about him, his leadership style, crazy lifestyle, and even some of his life’s history. I found it difficult to figure out how to apply it to my life but it’s more of a story. I just find Vance to be too biased and negative. I’m a bigger fan of Elon from this book though. Read.

39) The Virgin Way (Richard Branson)

Overall: 10.25/15–3.5/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1 for being boring at times)

Sir Richard Branson is the man. I love his leadership style and think the world would be a better place if more people lead like him. He tells you various experiences that taught him many valuable lessons on leadership and entrepreneurship. The stories in this book seem to ramble a bit which makes it unnecessarily lengthy in my opinion.

38) The Art of War (Sun Tzu)

Overall: 10.25/15–3.5/5 Story 4/5 Content 2.75/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #39 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I absolutely loved this book because it’s literally a book about war tactics from the ancient China era. I initially heard that this book can be applied to business so I picked it up. I’m glad I did because you can definitely get some great business advice. Be warned that you have to figure out the lessons and application to business for yourself. Easier said than done. Also, if civilization ever becomes primitive again you’ll be thanking yourself for reading this book. Clearly a win, win.

37) You Are a Badass (Jen Sincero)

Overall: 10.5/15–3.75/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 for too many self affirmations)

Sincero is a great story teller and you’ll understand that after reading this book. She’s great at giving you various ways to increase your own self image and confidence. What’s nice is she makes you feel like it’s never too late to change your situation, which is so true! If you’re finding yourself stuck in your ways and constantly giving excuses, check this out. The self affirmations get to be a little over the top for me but the message is pure.

36) Born a Crime (Trevor Noah)

Overall: 10.5/15–4/5 Story 4/5 Content 3/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 for not being a self development/business book)

*Recommended- Ranks above #37 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I’m not sure what to think of this book. First, the story is phenomenal. It’s about Trevor’s interesting life and the lessons that went along with it. If you want a good laugh you’ll get many throughout this book. Some of the stories he tells about life in Africa and the apartheid are fascinating. It’s just not the greatest book when it comes to self development or business application. It’s more of story if anything but a damn good one at that!

35) Zero Resistance Selling (Maxwell Maltz)

Overall: 10.75/15–2.75/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

Maltz is definitely an expert in psychology and you can tell with this book. He literally breaks down different ways to improve your own self image by reprogramming your brain. Interesting stuff to say the least. I think some of it is a little mumbo jumbo and the book is hard to read because it’s on the boring side. I recommend for psychology nerds!

34) If You’re Not First, You’re Last (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 11/15–3.25/5 Story 4/5 Content 3.75/5 Application

Cardone shows his mastery of the sales profession with this one. He gives you an in depth understanding of business to help dominate in a up economy and out-compete in a down economy. His goal is to help make you consistent and I think he accomplishes that with this one. Not my favorite of his if you’re going to check him out I’d recommend a different one first. But if you like Cardone and want more, here you go. Some of the information in this seems more practical than others.

33) The Closer’s Survival Guide (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 11.25/15–3.5/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

Get ready to start understanding the closing of the sale with this book. Cardone is great at bestowing his knowledge about the close of the sale which is a totally different beast than the rest of the sale. If you’re looking to find out literally 100 different ways to overcome objections, this is your book. If you’re not in sales, you probably won’t find it too interesting.

32) Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words (Phil Jones)

Overall: 11.5/15–3.5/5 Story 4/5 Content 4/5 Application

Anyone in the sales profession needs to check out this book. Jones is a mastermind with helping you understand different verbiage that has a proven track record for success. I agree with most of his magic words and phrases. I only wish he gave us more!

31) The Thank You Economy (Gary Vaynerchuk) Gary Vaynerchuk

Overall: 11.5/15–3.75/5 Story 4/5 Content 3.75/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #32 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Gary does it again with his awesome content! He’s a guru with understanding the market and what customers want. You’ll learn various ways to create more customer engagement and understand the buyer in today’s day and age. I wish he would have broken down the various customer age groups a little more but that’s if I’m getting nit-picky. Get ready to get motivated with this book!

30) The Dichotomy of Leadership (Leif Babin, Jocko Willink)

Overall: 11.5/15–4/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .75 for contradicting first book, book #3, at times)

*Recommended- Ranks above #31 and #32 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This book is an excellent follow up to Extreme Ownership. I only wish I read this book right after the first one. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. I enjoyed this because Jocko and Babin do a great job explaining how you can be too extreme with ownership. They help you balance and problem solve even the most difficult scenarios. I love the structure of their books. They’re fantastic at telling stories by incorporating experiences from Navy Seals combat and training.

29) How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

Overall: 11.75/15–4/5 Story 4/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .25 for information being outdated at times)

This book is a classic (it’s actually one of the best selling books of all time). If you haven’t read it, let this be the next one you read. To me, this book is about social conditioning and figuring out the best ways to inspire (aka influence) human beings. Not only that but many of the topics in this book can help anyone in sales, business, leadership, sports, groups, or basically anyone that interacts with other humans. The information gets a little outdated at times. I will say I ranked this lower because I’ve read it in the past. The first time I read it I was amazed from what I learned.

28) The Richest Man in Babylon (George Clason)

Overall: 12/15–4.25/5 Story 4/5 Content 3.75/5 Application

I enjoyed this book because the setting is in ancient Babylon. The book is primarily focused on financial advice for many different topics. I love how in depth it goes with even the basics like personal expenses at home. If you’re looking to become more money savvy this book is a must.

27) The Go-Giver (Bob Burg) Bob Burg

Overall: 12/15–4/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 3.5/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #28 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This is an interesting book to say the least. It’s about the power of giving but it’s told as a fictional story. The message of this book is nice and I’d clarify more but don’t want to ruin anything for you. I would have ranked this book higher if it wasn’t for the fictional structure, which I’m just not a fan of.

26) The Secrets of Closing the Sale (Zig Ziglar)

Overall: 12/15–4/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 for information seeming outdated at times)

*Recommended- Ranks above #27 and #28 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Zig Ziglar is one of the selling gurus. If you haven’t checked out any of his content this book is a great one to start with (audio book recommended). He goes through many scenarios to help you develop skills to overcome any sales struggles. You’ll get a ton of motivation from this book as well because his solutions are simplified. The format of this is strange though. He doesn’t spoon feed you all the answers you’ve got to use your brain for some of them (similar to the Art of War). Yes I know that’s tough. You’ll be alright.

25) Be Obsessed or Be Average (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 12.25/15–4/5 Story 3.75/5 Content 4.5/5 Application

Cardone does it again with this book. He’s a great story teller. This book is about the word obsession. A word that typically has a negative connotation can be a wonderful word if applied to the right medium. Be obsessed towards your future, goals, and success. Read.

24) Crush It (Gary Vaynerchuk) Gary Vaynerchuk

Overall: 12.25/15–4.25/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 for information being outdated at times)

*Recommended- Ranks above #25 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Gary is fantastic with content. He’s one of the most consistent with how valuable his content is. You can see how knowledgeable he is in Crush It. His intuition is unreal. If you’re trying to learn more about the digital age, check this book out. I gave this book demerits because it’s a little outdated but Crushing It (the sequel) is way more relevant! Read both for sure.

23) The Way of the Wolf (Jordan Belfort)

Overall: 12.25/15–3.5/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #26 and #25 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

If you’re in sales, give this book a read. The wolf himself breaks down what actually lead to his massive success and his sales process. It’s amazing how intuitive he is with sales and the buying process. I think it’s cool to see such a breakdown of his tactics. Side note: you see a ton of these concepts throughout the movie Wolf of Wall Street and it’ll make you appreciate the movie even more. Just be ready for some very dry parts with this book.

22) The Power of Vulnerability (Brene Brown)

Overall: 12.5/15–4.75/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 3.75/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .25 for being boring at times)

I actually really enjoyed this book. I didn’t know what I would think but I was open minded and it paid off. Brown is an expert in vulnerability and explains how to be more vulnerable and the payoff that it can have for you. It’s great considering a world that more socially impaired than ever. I think the concepts in this book are extremely relevant. I only wish Brown explained more about applying these concepts to your life.

21) The Science of Likability (Patrick King)

Overall: 12.5/15–4/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 5/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus 1 for not enough meat and potatoes)

*Recommended- Ranks above #22 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

I loved this book and the content of it. I think that anyone in a leadership role could benefit greatly from this book. King explains many different concepts to help one become more likable, in the form of psychology. Easier said than done. I only wish there was more to this book. Other than that, great read!

20) Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom (Tony Robbins) Tony Robbins

Overall: 12.5/15–3.5/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4.5/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #21 and #22 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Tony is great at explaining different concepts to achieve financial freedom. I think that more people should read this book to help educate themselves. It’s a scary world when the majority of people have zero plans for retirement. He’s great at explaining different steps you can take to get closer to financial freedom. I wish the story aspect can use some improvement.

19) Measure What Matters (John Doerr) John Doerr

Overall: 12.5/15–4.25/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #20, #21, and #22 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Doerr is excellent at explaining what lead companies and individuals like Google, Microsoft, Bono, etc. to find better results. If you’re interested in leadership, entrepreneurship, or own a company you have check this book out. It’ll help you figure out if what you’re measuring even matters or if it’s busy work. I bet a lot of the stuff you’re measuring falls under the ‘doesn’t matter’ category. Book is a little dry at times.

18) Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini) Team Robert Cialdini

Overall: 12.5/15–4/5 Story 4.25/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #19, #20, #21, and #22 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This book is about the psychological concepts that lead humans to make decisions. Cialdini is great at helping you understand them. If you’re in sales, it’s imperative to know what makes people tick and this book will help you with that. Just be careful not to abuse it. I wish the author would explain the difference between these concepts and manipulation more. Big differences separated by a fine line.

17) You’re a Badass at Making Money (Jen Sincero)

Overall: 12.75/15–4.25/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .25 for amount of self affirmations)

I was pleasantly surprised with this book. Sincero is great at telling stories. She’ll make you laugh, imagine, stress, etc. throughout this book. Not only that but she’s good at breaking down different personal success stories to help the common person make more money. Some stories. to me, seem a little too good to be true but she claims they’re real. Also, get ready for many self affirmations (which I think are good) because she overloads you with them!

16) Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

Overall: 12.75/15–4/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #17 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This book is a classic and if you haven’t read it, make time for it some day. Hill studies ultra successful people and explains what leads to their success. He also talks how you can learn quicker from those that are already successful. Ever hear of the concept that you’re a combination of the top 5 people you spend the most time with? That idea is from Hill and this book. Check it out.

15) The 4 Hour Work Week (Timothy Ferriss) Tim Ferriss

Overall: 12.75/15–4/5 Story 5/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .25 for not being realistic at times)

*Recommended- Ranks above #16 and #17 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This book has some awesome content and you can tell that Ferriss is great at explaining ways to become more productive. He talks about how time freedom is everything and literally gives you steps and options to achieve it. That being said, I gave this book demerits for not being that realistic. Not only that but so many people jump the gun on this book. You have to work your ass off up front to achieve more time freedom. Don’t forget that important reminder!

14) Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) Malcolm Gladwell

Overall: 13/15–4.5/5 Story 5/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Demerit- (minus .5 for getting negative at times)

The information in this book will knock you on your ass. It makes you realize that certain people have better advantages that others. It all starts from childhood too. Gladwell’s work is awesome and I highly recommend it. I just got negative vibes throughout this book at times that made me score it less. It can be inspiring while at the same time make you question if you’re at such a disadvantage and if the effort is even worth it. Strange but check it out and you’ll see.

13) Why Leaders Eat Last (Simon Sinek)

Overall: 13/15–4/5 Story 4.75/5 Content 4.25/5 Application

Simon Sinek does it again! This is the follow up to Start With Why and it’s amazing. He breaks down different leadership concepts that are biologically proven to work. Yes… biologically. I love how his message is similar between his videos and books. Most people get frustrated by that. I only wish he gave different examples from his other book vs. similar stories.

12) The Challenger Sale (Brent Adamson)

Overall: 13.25/15–4.5/5 Story 4.75/5 Content 4/5 Application

This book analyzes the sales profession and breaks different salespeople into sales types. I enjoyed the ideas in this book because they make you think. Not only that but you wonder which type of salesperson you are, which is fun. It’s almost like a personality test for salespeople. Adamson also talks about what works and doesn’t work with sales these days.

11) Sell or Be Sold (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 13.5/15–4/5 Story 5/5 Content 4.5/5 Application

This book was so great I had to read it twice. If you’re in the sales profession, this book is a must… oh yeah, Cardone breaks down why every person in this world is in the sales profession, whether they know it or not. Hone your sales skills faster by reading this book.

10) American Sniper (Chris Kyle)

Overall: 13.5/15–5/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #11 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

This book is fantastic. Kyle talks about his past experiences while being deployed in deadly warzones and how he became America’s deadliest sniper. This book doesn’t seem like a self-help book but you’d be surprised what you could learn from one of the most humble heroes in American history. Plus, the Navy Seals are the definition of hard workers. Great learning lessons. Buy. Buy. Buy.

9) The Millionaire Fastlane (MJ DeMarco) MJ DeMarco

Overall: 13.75/15–4.75/5 Story 5/5 Content 4/5 Application

I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. It’s about how to get on a “quicker” path to become a millionaire. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a fastlane but that’s his wording for it. Take the concepts from this book and get ready to take notes because there’s some gold in it.

8) Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It (Chris Voss)

Overall: 14/15–5/5 Story 5/5 Content 4/5 Application

If you’re looking to increase your negotiating skills, this is your book. Voss is a former FBI negotiator and it’s amazing what those guys have to endure. Check out this book if you want to learn how simple it is to be a master negotiator. Just wish there was more info on applying these to business!

7) Crushing It (Gary Vaynerchuk) Gary Vaynerchuk

Overall: 14/15–4.5/5 Story 5/5 Content 4.5/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #8 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Gary’s concepts get me jacked up ready to run through a brick wall. He’s an excellent motivator and his ideas make you realize just how possible massive success is. BE PREPARED TO WORK YOUR ASS OFF. Read this book before the concepts are outdated. BTW: if you really want some great content check out Gary’s YouTube channel.

6) 10X Rule (Grant Cardone) Grant Cardone

Overall: 14/15–4.5/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 5/5 Application

*Recommended- Ranks above #7 and #8 in recommendation likelihood to break tie

Grant is fantastic at breaking down the concept of goal setting and how to apply them to become more successful. Not only that but where people go wrong with their goals. You’ll never forget just how important goals are after reading this book. Check it out! BTW: if you really want some great content check out Grant’s YouTube channel.

5) Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)

Overall: 14.25/15–5/5 Story 4.5/5 Content 4.75/5 Application

I heard many great things about this book but it definitely met expectations. This book is a story of how a kid has two dads mentoring him. A poor dad and a rich dad. It’s basically the difference between how the poor operate and how the rich operate. People don’t stay that way for no reason. Check out this book to find out the difference.

4) Building a StoryBrand (Donald Miller)

Overall: 14.25/15–4.75/5 Story 4.75/5 Content 4.75/5 Application

The message of this book is fantastic. It focuses on the key steps required to build a brand that will last. I think that more companies should focus their business strategies around this book. Miller is great at realizing what captures a customer’s attention and how to hold it the longest. I just wish there was less self promotions throughout the book. I paid the money for the book, you can dial down the advertisements!

3) Extreme Ownership: How the U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win (Leif Babin, Jocko Willink)

Overall: 14.5/15–5/5 Story 5/5 Content 4.5/5 Application

I love the content in this book. It’s about owning everything you do. EVERYTHING. In a world that is based on passing the hot potato, this is easier said than done. You’ll be mentally kicking your own ass after and while reading this. I’m a personal fan of military veterans that apply experiences to business and these two knock it out of the park. Get ready to start owning everything, if you read this! Check out their sequel to this book (The Dichotomy of Leadership #30).

2) Start With Why (Simon Sinek)

Overall: 14.75/15–5/5 Story 5/5 Content 4.75/5 Application

Start With Why needs to be recognized by more people. This book analyzes what causes certain companies, leaders, and people to have massive success. Simon Sinek’s work never ceases to amaze me. He breaks down things to a molecular structure so it’s easy to understand. Not only that but his ideas are extremely innovative. Buy. Read. The read again! Check out his videos on YouTube too, very inspiring.

1) The One Thing (Gary Keller)

Overall: 15/15–5/5 Story 5/5 Content 5/5 Application

This book is fantastic! A perfect rating. It’s basically about how to make your life easier and how multitasking is a false concept. The stats in this book are mind boggling. It’s the perfect storm that will keep you hooked while reading. The information in this book is worth its weight in gold. Check this book out for sure!

Anyway, I hope these recommendations are helpful for those searching for that next read or audio-book to listen to! There are so many options out there that it’s helpful to know what’s worth the money and what’s not.

If you liked this post, check out some of my best work with the 5 Life Changing Lessons I Learned from Business or my most recent post with How Social Proof Dominates Your Life.

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Be great,

Cody Cameron

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Cody Cameron
The Startup

Entrepreneur, business blogger, and master of sales! Writer for The Startup, top writer in business. Follow me @realcodycameron Website: