The 6 Steps of a Successful Product Launch

Step 1: Find originality in your ideas

Geraint Clarke
The Startup


Photo by Lazar Gugleta on Unsplash

I control the launches of over 50 products per year and have done for at least 5 years. That’s at least 250 product launches in the last 260 weeks, amassing tens of millions of dollars in revenue.

Some bomb, most don’t — and today we’ll be exploring what formula I use for a successful product launch.

Let’s get into it.

#1. Find originality in your ideas

You never get a second chance at a first impression. That’s why companies spend billions globally on their product launches.

The first step isn’t necessarily finding something entirely original, it’s finding what’s original about that idea to create a new product.

People had sold shoes before, but it was TOMS that found a new way to sell shoes with a social cause attached. They weren’t the first, but last year alone they sold almost $68million worth of footwear. Not bad, aye?

Your goal is to find the originality in your own ideas.

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Geraint Clarke
The Startup

Creator of Bespoke Marketing Campaigns… Follow Me for Practical Business & Self-development Lessons.