The 7 sweeps that help me become a better writer

Henry Cheng
The Startup
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2019


“I want to practice writing, but I don’t know what to write about.” You said.

Yes, I’ve been there.

As a non-native speaker, writing in English is definitely a challenge. You want to make sure everything flows by using the right words, phrases, and punctuation. Most importantly, you want to make sure the person who’s reading it gets what you’re trying to say.

My current job involves a lot of emails and tickets (just like most jobs out there), and the only way to minimize the number of back-and-forth between agents?

Write clearly with clear responses.

Not short responses, but clear responses. Sometimes when we write too concise and the receiving side will be like, “Do you mean…this?” It’s called the curse of knowledge. You assume people understand what you’re saying but in fact, they have no clue.

So how can we practice clear writing? Here’s the technique that I’ve been using:

The 7 Sweeps.

Use the 7 sweeps to ensure your responses are clear, easy to follow, and persuasive

I totally stole the 7 sweeps from Copyhacker. They have a whole library of tutorials on copywriting, including the 7 sweeps.

Although the technique is widely used in copywriting and editing, I found it applicable to any writing. Even if you’re writing Facebook posts, emails, or…



Henry Cheng
The Startup

I love studying techniques that make people say YES! Sometimes I write about careers and sometimes I write in Chinese. English as a second language :)