The 8 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

Your habits make your system, and your system drives you to success.

Jacky Chen
The Startup


Have you ever wondered what you are doing differently than all of those millionaires that set you guys apart?

As you can see in the title, we are talking about self-made millionaires today, not inherited millionaires, which means that those millionaires have also started in a similar position as you might be in today.

All self-made millionaires had to start somewhere.

Much of their transformation from ordinary to seven-figure status can be attributed to “rich habits,” a term coined by Thomas C. Corley, who spent five years researching the daily habits of 177 self-made millionaires.

“From my research, I discovered that daily habits dictate how successful or unsuccessful you will be in life. There are a cause and effect associated with habits. Habits are the cause of wealth, poverty, happiness, sadness, stress, good relationships, bad relationships, good health, or bad health.” he wrote in his book “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.”

The good news is that all habits can be changed, Corley said.

Here are 8 of the most significant habits adopted by millionaires that led them to



Jacky Chen
The Startup

Everybody has their own unique stories, and here’s mine. Enjoy~