The 9 Subscriptions You Should Bring With You Into 2020

Richie Crowley
The Startup
Published in
9 min readDec 16, 2019


Nearly every pre-roll advertisement on YouTube this year was for You know, the new way to manage your work. I still don’t know what it is.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

On LinkedIn this year, I saw an increase of employees at Drift using personal branding for business marketing. And in New York, Vienna, Edinburgh, and London I saw building banners for Slack.

We live on earth, but we are a tech-enabled society.

Today, most of our actions advanced by technology come with a price. A price we continue to pay monthly, despite having only entered our credit card information once. That’s the beauty of the recurring payment model of subscriptions.

Over the years, I’ve made some horrendous decisions about how to spend my money, and more recently improved upon these. So, as I began my end of year finances and set goals for 2020, I addressed my active subscriptions and wanted to share the 9 that will successfully bill me come January.

It’s worth mentioning that this list was created by someone who is proud of their frugality, knowing that each penny-pinched and economy flight allows them another day to invest in making their dreams a reality. If you too are looking to save money, spend mindfully, forge better relationships with technology, or simply give a bad-ass gift this…



Richie Crowley
The Startup

Slowly building an audience by publishing original thoughts and ideas only when I have something of quality to say.