The American Dream Is Defective

You can’t get a refund either. Here’s an optimistic alternative.

Tim Denning
The Startup
Published in
8 min readApr 26, 2021


What if the American dream is broken? I live in Australia and we’ve adopted the American Dream. Here’s what it looks like.

Get into debt

Go on a date with a banker and knock yourself out with debt. Bring your material dreams forward to the present and pay a high price for them. Look at the debt on your tiny phone screen and have blind faith you’ll be able to pay it back one day. Apply lottery thinking. Or maybe Dogecoin will pay off the debt.

Find a job with a 6-figure salary to pay the debt

You find out the salary of a job afterwards. They don’t write the salary on the job ad because they want to see what you’re willing to compromise your dreams for. Not telling you what you’ll get paid is how they mess with you.

You walk in assuming fair pay. You walk out feeling like you’re going to have to compromise. Why? You need the money to pay the debt. A debt is a promise. You’re a human and hardwired to deliver on your promises, so you pay the debt and prioritize it.

Buy a good car to show your life is going well



Tim Denning
The Startup

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: