The ‘Art’ Behind Communication

Communication is vital to information exchange, but are we utilizing it properly and understanding it’s intended use?

Anjali Arya
The Startup
4 min readApr 26, 2018


What is communication?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Communication as “ a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior”.

Communication is crucial in any environment. Without proper communication (verbal or non-verbal), we fail to express our thoughts.

The art of communication allows us to build connections and initiate conversations that provide clarity and purpose.

Communication always seems fairly simple

All we are doing is taking our ideas or thoughts and using different techniques to convey those to someone else. We follow communication by listening to understand and respond to messages others are conveying to us.

But if we dig deeper, communication is one of the most complicated skills to master. There are many obstacles, unclarities and misunderstandings that often result as part of an ineffective conversation.

Communication can drive teamwork and growth

One of the most common places where communication can be challenging are workplaces. Misunderstanding and ineffective communication seems to be the culprit in most situations.

The challenge of actively trying communicating the intent of one’s message and having the recipient get a full and accurate understanding of the message is a tough one.

For teams, that can also hinder growth.

In his article 8 Powerfully Potent Communication Techniques Kyle Seagraves outlines 6 powerful outcomes effective communication results in — which I believe are crucial to a team’s success. He mentions:

When You Communicate Clearly, You Create:

  • Less conflict
  • Avoided misunderstanding
  • Quicker results
  • Improved organization success
  • Developed productivity
  • Far-reaching influence

George Bernard Shaw once said

“The single best problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”

Miscommunication can be linked to various factors, but how can we make sure that our intent is being communicated across?

Be Vocal

“An microphone in a stand with bokeh effect in the background” by Elliot Sloman on Unsplash

First step to communication is being vocal. Have the courage to speak your mind — but respectfully and in a tasteful manner. Don’t assume that your listener already knows what you are thinking. Say No when you mean No, disagree when you don’t agree, suggest when you have ideas.


Understand and use body language appropriately

“Four young people smiling while talking near a staircase outside a building” by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

You’ve heard the statement before, majority of your talking is done through body language. Engage your party in your conversations. Simple tricks of leaning in, making eye contact, a genuine smile can all contribute to a positive conversation. Pay attention to visual cues to further the conversation.

Ask Questions

Asking questions can benefit in two ways.

  1. If you are ever unsure of the outcome of a conversation — ask questions.
  2. To show interest and continue the conversation — ask questions.

Build conversations

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Building conversations garners a deeper relationship between the conversationalists and builds a common understanding. Conversations allow us to connect and be open with each other. It not only enhances our non-verbal communication but makes us feel comfortable enough to share our personal and deeper thoughts. Over time with trust, it also fosters compassion.

Don’t just listen — Understand

We’ve heard it all before, listening is different than understanding. You can listen to a communication and not relate, not intake, not understand. Being a good conversationalist also requires the ability to listen and understand what the sender is communicating to you. Good understanding of the intended message, allows the receiver to process the information to respond appropriately. It shows genuine interest and helps us empathize with the sender.

What communication skills do you user to effectively relay your message?

Anjali Arya is a Product Marketer at RL Solutions and a budding Medium blogger from Toronto, Canada. Have something interesting to share? or just curious about her work, follow her on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter and start a conversation!

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Anjali Arya
The Startup

Customer Marketing Manager @Intelex. A “Curious Georgette” interested in experiential design, solution driven marketing, food and fitness.