The Art of Being Uncomfortable

How breaking through your comfort zone will make you better at, well, everything.

Steven Kang
The Startup


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Throughout my life, I’ve attempted to learn an enormous list of different skills, both useful and not-so-much. Spoken languages, programming languages, instruments, party tricks, etc. During all of these attempts, I’ve found that the “learning curve” is determined by how uncomfortable you are with the growing pains associated with learning anything new.

Something that not many people realize is that this “discomfort zone” is not an obstacle to be overcome. It’s a puzzle — and every puzzle has a solution.

I’ve been coding as a hobby since I was a child, but at the beginning of my first foray into professional development, Lighthouse Labs’ Web Development Bootcamp, I was given a piece of advice that has stuck with me ever since.

Get comfortable getting uncomfortable. You’ll never know as much as you want to.

Whether you’re learning to speak French, play the piano, or bake a cake, all the reading in the world won’t prepare you for how much you’re going to fail before you succeed. Being uncomfortable is a sure sign that you’re still learning and improving. Personally, there are 3 rules that I follow to make…



Steven Kang
The Startup

I love sharing and gathering knowledge about programming, games, and anything else.