The Athletic and the New News Bundle

Of sports, subscriptions, scale, and startup strategy

Anthony Bardaro
The Startup


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For the uninitiated, The Athletic is one of those rare success stories at the intersection of local news and subscriptions, as described by Bloomberg:

The Athletic… is an ad-free, online-only network for local sports coverage. Subscriptions cost $10 a month or $60 a year, though many customers have signed up at lower promotional rates. The site’s average annual revenue per subscriber is roughly $64, [cofounder and CEO Alex] Mather said [and] it has reached more than 500,000 subscribers and expects to nearly double that total by year-end.

That computes to less than $32M in annual revenue, which is not sufficient to cover The Athletic’s operating costs — not even its 400 highly-paid staff writers alone. So, funding from the capital markets has filled-the-holes thus far, which, to be clear, is perfectly okay, and growth has certainly made it worth its investors’ while. To wit, from BuzzFeed:

[The Athletic] wants to dominate the British football market [and] has made a series of high-profile new signings, including an award-winning Guardian football…



Anthony Bardaro
The Startup

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