The beginning of ‘Everything as Code’

Time to build infrastructure closer to how we build software.

Ethan Batraski
Ethan Batraski’s Writings


This post was originally authored and published as a guest article for Venture Beat, see it here

The beginning of an Everything as Code (EaC) generation of companies

Engineers are great at making hard things possible. Then repeatable. Then automatable. Then run on their own. Software development has repeated this cycle over and over. We build a new capability; we make it easier to repeat with scripts, we let it run on its own with fixed functions, and then we abstract it into code where we no longer worry or think about it.

Today we build workflows decoupled from the technology themselves, with code that is expressive and declarative, based on end goals and desired states.

But when it comes to the way we operate and scale the underlying infrastructures that power our software, we look more like a Formula One pit crew; a high-performance team of specialists that need to continually triage, tune, adjust, and repair, every time you go to the grocery store.

Infrastructure at our fingertips

The cloud has transformed how we build software. With a single API call, you can spin up more compute resources than existed in all of the last decade combined. Developers went from thinking about physical machines to…



Ethan Batraski
Ethan Batraski’s Writings

Venture Capitalist, Partner @Venrock, writing about open-source infrastructure and hard engineering