The best and worst effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Canna Maniyar
5 min readMar 6, 2019


Do you know that you have been experiencing AI in your everyday life? Even the kids have been playing with this technology. Do not ponder much, just think about your daily use gadgets and you are through. To make it easy for you, the most common are Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa. They are the gift of AI to you!

The movie suggestions on Netflix and product suggestions on Amazon also work on AI. Moreover, your favorite video games are the product of AI too!

So, now you are well-acquainted with the AI experiences in your everyday life, let us proceed to learn its best and worst effects…

The best effects

Life made easier

The everyday interactions aforementioned in this post are enough to stress on the point that our lives are more sorted due to AI. Needless to say that AI has shown its power in the field of healthcare, finance, geology, radiology and of course technology. Things can be done faster, easier and with a systematic approach.

All the information you need is now handy and that too with a personalized touch!

Harmful jobs and mundane tasks are automated

Laborious and harmful jobs at manufacturing units or refineries are precarious or fatal to humans. These laborers are privileged with the development of AI as automated machines or robots have minimized the risk and even made the tasks more productive. The laborers only have to supervise the machines as of now.

Robotic snake charger at Tesla


Better Analytical insights when combined with Big Data

Big Data is, of course, the field to analyze large and complex data sets to derive with meaningful information that serves as an input to another decision-making process. Its application is in a wide variety of fields such as Manufacturing, Government, Healthcare, Education, etc. When both Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are amalgamated, the quality of the results surely improves and the processing time reduces as well.

Hence, the decision-making process receives much accurate and valuable information.

Advances in the Medical Field

The application of AI in the medical field is generally to have software in computers that can make conclusions without the help or input of humans. The primary goal of implementing AI in the medical field is to boost the diagnosis process and also suggest better treatment solutions.

Some uncommon applications of AI

  • A hotel in Tokyo known as Henn Na have robots speaking multiple languages to greet their guests.
  • The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health in Ohio, USA has beacons to converse with the patients and their visitors via smartphones. The purpose is to helps them seek information and navigation direction.
  • The San Fransico international airport has installed smart sensors to guide the pilots about the nearest empty spaces to park the plane.
  • Meijer, a chain of the supermarket with its headquarters in Michigan has a specially designed mobile app to guide the visitors through the store to find the product of their choice. The app is equipped with many other features to assist the visitor with shopping and payment.

The worst effects

Loss of manual jobs

See the irony of AI effects. On one side, AI replacing harmful human jobs is benevolent whereas on the other side there prevails the risk of losing jobs to machines. As AI makes its headway, human society is tormented. Right from manufacturing units to service industries, AI is burgeoning to take up the position of humans.

Of course, it cannot take over the entire process in its hands as it is the man who developed Artificial Intelligence. This effect intends to make a considerable portion of the human space idle and jobless.

High costs of development

Do you think developing AI is a matter of pennies? If yes, then let me correct you. AI involves high costs of development. The resources take up the maximum cost. Specialized programmers and equipment are a few of them. Thus, AI can be implemented where the application is on a larger basis as it would not be cost effective for smaller firms.

Machine dependent humans and affecting the creative thinking ability

This worst effect is clearly experienced in the present time. To be more precise, today’s young generation is highly dependent on machines to get their job done. It indirectly affects their creative thinking ability and the probability of further innovations shrinks.


Ability to cause destruction if handled erroneously

The image above sums up pretty much everything about this point. Everything interesting is like a double-edged sword and so is AI. The anti-social elements in the society who misuse the development of AI can lead to the destruction of humanity.

How the future of AI is visualized?

If the best effects are magnified and the worst effects are compressed then we could surely achieve some great heights with AI. On a hypothetical note, Google’s self-driving cars may be used commercially and thus prevent major accidents occurring at present. Robotic limbs which are currently in its infancy can be evolved such as the brain can communicate with these limbs (read “ Cyborg Technology “). Robots are capable enough to work on commands and also self-program themselves to perform the tasks more effectively. The missing element i.e. “Emotions” can be combined as an advancement in robotics.

Over and above, the future of AI can be visualized as increased automation in every field.

Will it really beat human intelligence?

It is designed and developed by humans but if done without practical thinking or lack of precautionary measures then can be devastating for sure. The future can be brighter than present only if AI is implemented in a controlled manner. Seeing the current progress, it can make human life much more fascinating and do wonders. However, we can’t predict the after effects on any unsupervised development. Let’s be smarter and keep governing the AI with human intelligence.

So, what are your thoughts on the effect of AI on humans? Do share in the comments below!

Originally published at on March 6, 2019.



Canna Maniyar

Freelance Writer | Niche: Contemporary Trends in Information Technology |