The Best Gift I Got This Christmas is a $20 Piece of Tech I Didn’t Know Existed

And if the Right Companies, Developers and Marketers Get Involved, It Should and Will be the Next Big Thing

Brian Brewington
The Startup
Published in
7 min readDec 31, 2018


Photo credit: Unsplash

I’m typically the guy who doesn’t show up to your ugly Christmas sweater party, as I’ve never had the urge to pay $20-$30 to relive the elementary school, holiday picture days of my awkward youth.

However, this year when my best friend and his girlfriend threw one and invited me, I sighed heavily before I eventually bought an ugly sweater and actually attended.

Guests were also asked to bring a $20 gift for the Chinese Pollyanna (not sure why it’s called this and it seems kind of racist) and a dish or dessert of some sort. Do you see why I never go to these things? A sweater, a gift, a dessert, lines — so much extra adulting to do.

Anyway, I reluctantly complied and purposely showed up late in a terrible sweater with a picture of Santa and the word Namasleigh on it. (See what they did there?)

A friend of mines wife complimented me on it and said she had the same one. Which led me to believe I was wearing a woman’s sweater. Lay off me, it was the last one Target had and I bought it two hours before the party.



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Brian Brewington
Brian Brewington

Written by Brian Brewington

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©

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