The Best Remedy for Anxiety Is Not Medicine

Surprisingly it’s something that you can control.

Vishal Kataria
The Startup


Don’t you find it strange?

We’re probably living in the most exciting times of humankind. We have access to any kind of information. We can learn skills without going to college. We have the freedom to create anything we want, and there’s always an audience for it.

This freedom should empower us. Yet, it depresses us more. Stress and anxiety levels have shot through the roof.

This shouldn’t be happening. What is going on?

Where We’re Going Wrong

Ironically, this freedom has become our Achilles’ Heel because what we end up doing is not what we should be doing.

Stay with me here.

To achieve our goals, we must take action. Some of those actions make us uncomfortable. Like working on the important project, writing the book, losing weight, and fixing business problems. In fact, the more uncomfortable the action, the more significant it is.

All of us begin with vigour. But as soon as the going gets tough (and it always does), most of us replace the important tasks with easier ones. Like checking social media, watching Netflix, or taking on more than we can handle.



Vishal Kataria
The Startup

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.