The Big Power of Small Wins

The “one little forward step after another” is underrated.

Jude King, PhD
The Startup


Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

Think back to the last time you had a big breakthrough. The moment when everything finally clicked. You land the dream job. You reached your weight loss goal. You got the promotion at your job. The cheque arrived in the mail. The concert reached its crescendo and all rise to applaud a breathtakingly flawless performance. The big game was won.

Those moments are beautiful, and you probably savoured them- — as you should. But the problem is when our focus are totally trained on those big moments, and the one-little-forward-step-after-another moments — the small wins — that lead to those big breakthroughs get neglected and overlooked.

Yet, these micro-successes have the potential to be as impactful to our lives as the big breakthroughs if we let them.

For example, building a profitable six-figure business might be the big goal. But there are lots of celebratable progress points on the way, which we often overlook: Making your first sale. Finishing that course on “selling". Making your first $100 even when the overall goal is $100,000. Even the fact that you get to work on your business everyday.

Research by Harvard Professor and Author Teresa Amabile has shown that tracking these small and incremental…



Jude King, PhD
The Startup

Research Scientist | Entrepreneur | Teacher | Engineer driven by a deep curiosity about everything.