The Boomer Blockade: How One Generation Reshaped Work & Left Everyone Else Behind

An exploration on one generations perfect timing and how that has made us unable to imagine a new way of thinking about work

Paul Millerd
The Startup
Published in
12 min readJan 24, 2020


Photo by Jim Reardan on Unsplash

Millenials and Gen Xers are hitting a wall at work.

Thirty years ago they would have been promoted, perhaps even before they were ready. But now they are told that they need to wait their time.

They were raised with the belief that if they worked hard, found a good job and put in their time, it would pay off. Not just financially, but with the status of having senior level roles and responsibilities.

Instead, many are stuck in an endless lateral career loop, moving from position to position, clinging to a fictional story of a “career trajectory” and hoping to find an opening. All while trying to convince the people who have the coveted senior positions that they are not in fact “job hoppers.” Many are able to negotiate good raises with their new jobs, but find that the work they do today is eerily similar to the work they were doing a few years after they graduated.

This stagnation is leading many to put off buying houses, committing to long-term partners, or investing in their communities. References…

