The Business Analyst Role in a Project

How the business analysis practice should be applied within the boundaries of a project.

Erivan de Sena Ramos
The Startup


Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

One of the most frequent questions I get from professionals who are starting out in the Business Analysis career is about how deep the Business Analyst should act in a project. It´s common to see the Business Analyst, in addition to their own responsibilities, taking on the role of project managers, UX designers, testers and even software developers. From my experience, this usually happens when the Business Analyst is a new role in the organization or the company is small and still immature in the definition of its professional roles and tasks, and everything can get more confusing in Agile projects where the creation of cross-functional teams is strongly stimulated.

The BABOK® Guide, that defines the profession of business analysis and provides a set of commonly accepted practices, points out six knowledge areas and its tasks where the practice of business analysis is applied within the project boundaries:

“Relationships Between Knowledge Areas” by The BABOK® Guide

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: Organize and coordinate the efforts of business analysts and…



Erivan de Sena Ramos
The Startup

Business Analysis & Requirements Engineering enthusiast. Information Systems & Software Engineering specialist. MBA in PM & HR. CBAP, PMP, CSM, ITIL & COBIT