The Canvas Canvas will help you to rule the world. Obviously.

Use the Canvas Canvas to create your own Canvas. This is what people do nowadays!

Christoph Dölitzsch
The Startup
3 min readApr 24, 2018


I won’t say, that this might contain traces of sarcasm, because it is the major ingredient.

We live in a Canvas era — and we love it.
There is a Canvas for almost every topic. You can google any topic with
“… Canvas” and you find something great people back in the days would have called template.

The Canvas Canvas is the last Canvas you need:
use it to create your own Canvases and conquer the world with them.

If you don’t feel the pressure to create your own Canvas, you probably don’t feel your pulse either.

It feels somehow revolutionary:

C-levels of global corporates bend their heads over the same templates as soon-to-be-founders (who might not even own a garage!).

“Think out of the Box”, they say, “and use Boxes for that!”

You probably want to join and contribute to the movement: create your own Canvas. Everyone does it nowadays.

The Canvas Canvas will help you create a Canvas for your greatest aspirations:

  • look more cutting-edge among your peers, potential clients or simply everyone!
  • be more cutting-edge (no guarantee on this one)
  • conquer the world with your cutting-edgeness

The Canvas Canvas will help you doing exactly that.

The Canvas Canvas

As — of course — every other Canvas out there, The Canvas Canvas was sorrowly developed to help you solve a problem, you did not yet know you need a Canvas for.

It might sound odd, but the Canvas Canvas was used to develop The Canvas Canvas. Out of itself! Ever heard of fractals? They are mind-blowing — as is The Canvas Canvas.

How to use The Canvas Canvas?

Use The Canvas Canvas as every other Canvas:

  1. plot it in A0, cover a wall with it,
  2. unleash the power of sticky notes,
  3. feel the spirit!

Start with box “1. Your motivation” and let The Canvas Canvas guide you through a journey of insight & epiphany.

It not only helps you to create your Canvas, but also guides you through the first most important steps after that.

Use it as every other Canvas out there: plot it in A0 and use tons of sticky notes to feel the spirit.

Get started and create your own Canvas

Good luck conquering the world with your very own Canvas!
Don’t forget to send a post-card — or just a link to your domain. 🚀

Enjoy and feel free to share it with people who also love Canvases.

Cheers, Christoph

Looking forward to your comments,
or just drop me a line on LinkedIn.

About Author & Why:

Christoph lives in Berlin for more than 9 years now and works as Business Designer, Idea Engine & tries his best to contribute to Innovation. Today, he is working as Entrepreneur in Residence at Dalia Research and develops informational products for the 21st century: asking global audiences at rapid speed for market & opinion research.
One day, he noticed that there is a canvas for (almost) everything! Try it and google the following: “*random business buzzword* CANVAS”. You will not be disappointed!

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Christoph Dölitzsch
The Startup

Business Designer, Innovator, Human .:. Invents, designs & realizes digital Products & Services .:. Values Sustainability & Fairness .:. Enjoys Tea & Chocolate