The case for (and against) blog articles

Neville Chamberlain
The Startup


I published my first blog article on May 26, 2017 — almost exactly two years ago from today. Looking at my blog and stats in Ulysses (my writing app), there’s a total of 149 articles (this article will be number 150) and collectively the articles contain some 240,000 words.

While this may sound impressive (and I was quite impressed with myself when I first looked up the stats), I must admit that it’s mostly my ego that’s impressed. If I had to stand back and look at how this helped my business, I’m less impressed — in fact I would have to say that I’ve been doing it all wrong.

Here’s why.

The stats tell the story

I don’t have great stats on my website blog, but I also publish my articles on Medium which does keep great stats. When you go into your profile in Medium and click on stats, you get a graph of your views, reads and fans over the last 30 days. What not many people know is that you can click on any of those headings (views, reads and so on) and Medium will sort the stories on that heading.

For example, clicking on “Views” sorts the list of articles by the number of views each article got, with the highest views at the top.

And that’s where the penny drops.



Neville Chamberlain
The Startup

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