The Case for Women in Tech

Established evidence and countless stories — yet the statistics remain startling.

Israel Miles
The Startup


Women played a monumental role in the growth of technology since the inception of the very first computers. Ada Lovelace was suspected to be the first individual to develop an algorithm intended to be executed by a computer. Grace Hopper was the first to design a compiler for a computer programming language. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, women dominated the computing landscape.

From Statista

And yet, today only about 35% of technology jobs for the top 5 tech companies were filled by women. According to Pew Research, a mere 25% of the computing workforce is comprised of women.

How can this be? How could the technology sector, that revolutionized the world as we know it, lose the demographic who lead its charge?

There may be no singular answer, but one motive remains clear. Today’s women in tech consistently report that they feel undervalued, treated unfairly and met with career dead-ends when compared to…



Israel Miles
The Startup

Software Engineer at Audible. Remote Work Proponent and writer of anything that gets a rant out of me.