The closest thing we have to a real life superpower

Aytekin Tank
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMay 21, 2018


Originally published on JOTFORM.COM

“The secret to success in any human endeavor is total concentration.” — Kurt Vonnegut

We can’t shoot lasers out of our eyes.

We can’t run faster than the speed of light.

We can’t transform into giant green versions of ourselves and smash things we don’t like.

But, we do have a valuable superpower that many of us aren’t using.

Humans have been obsessed with superheroes and superpowers for quite some time. In fact, Marvel’s latest movie Avengers: Infinity War is expected to soon hit $1 billion in box office sales (that’s billion with a “B”).

We love superheroes. We pay big bucks to see movies about superheroes. We practically worship superheroes.

Yet, we forget that in some small capacity we actually are superheroes. Okay, maybe not superheroes per se, but certainly superhumans.

Our superpower? Flow.

Now, what I imagine first comes to mind when you hear the word flow is a yogi sitting cross-legged in the middle of a forest with incense burning at his side.

But, flow is actually something very powerful and much deeper.



Aytekin Tank
The Startup

Founder and CEO of || Bestselling author of Automate Your Busywork. Find more at (contact: