The Common Knowledge Fallacy — A Call to Action

Adam Cave
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2018


Hold on to your seats everyone — here comes a mind blowing revelation. Common knowledge isn’t common. I know, I know. You’ve heard that before. But then why do so many of us let it dictate our interactions with others and hold ourselves back from potentially great things?

This subject entered my mind the other day when speaking with someone about starting up a small side business, in the hopes of breaking away from their current profession. This person has a great deal of knowledge on many subjects, multiple certifications, and years of field work to their credit.

At this point in their life, however, they are looking for more. Looking to leave the daily grind and try something new, albeit not completely new. During our conversation the idea came up for teaching new entries in their field. In order to have a slightly more hands off role, we spoke about developing some online training manuals that not only prepare others to pass the certificate courses, but also provide valuable, real world experience that would be necessary for them to excel in their new occupation.

The individual, however, was somewhat hesitant that they would have anything valuable to offer, despite being recognized as a expert in their industry. They believed that what they did was just a basic, common sense approach to the work, and that the…



Adam Cave
The Startup

Father & husband. Jack of many, master of some. Obsessed with improving processes and removing the noise.