The Complete Introvert’s Guide to Surviving an Open-plan Office

10 tips to help introverts get work done in small spaces surrounded by lots of people

Paul Gallagher
The Startup
Published in
9 min readAug 27, 2019


I grew up thinking the ideal office was somewhere like the den on The Brady Bunch — a place where I would be able to create, think, lounge, maybe drink a Martini after dinner, and enjoy some undisturbed “me time” while planning the family holiday to Hawaii in my spare time.

Alas, in 2019 our “home offices” look more like a crowded shelf that’s time-sharing as an ironing board.

As for “workplaces”, the rise of open-plan spaces now dominate the landscape in ways that can be quite daunting for people like me: Introverts.

Now I know there are benefits to working collaboratively alongside one another, and it does breed a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. It’s also a lot easier for organizations to save lean resources on more open spaces than confining everyone to private offices.



Paul Gallagher
The Startup

Published author (Penguin Random House), writer, editor, speaker, faithful, with MS (pre-miracle). Follow my newsletter: