The Dangers of Over-Capture for Content Creators

In a world of information overload, here’s how you can be a better content creator by choosing the right content to consume.

Paco Cantero
The Startup


Stop Over Capturing! How You Should Consume Content to Become a Better Content Creator
Photo by Nathaniel Shuman on Unsplash

You’re a content creator. You want to get inspired. You want to grow, evolve, be a better version of yourself, share all this knowledge with your audience. It was my case. That’s why I was inside an over capture loop.

I saved, and saved, and saved content. I was subscribed to hundreds of newsletters. My inbox was bigger than any magazine shop you can find in any part of the world. I had more content than the Library Of Congress, by the way, the largest library in the world.

I couldn’t consume it all, but yes, I was capturing it all. Obviously, there was a moment of collapsing, overwhelming, experiencing those guilt feelings because I was convinced I was missing the next piece of content that would change my life.

How foolish I was.

How Can You Overcome Feeling Guilty for Not Capturing It All?

“I release all feelings of worry and guilt. Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and…



Paco Cantero
The Startup

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