The Dark Side of Airbnb That Nobody Talks About is What Stops Me From Investing in It

We need to stop glamorizing certain side hustles.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by George Becker

When I hear about Airbnb as a business, I only listen to positive things. In theory, it seems to be the business that will finally make you financially free: “You will earn thousands of dollars monthly,” “Is the easiest business to manage,” “you can make it passive by hiring an administrator.”

However, I have always had my doubts, especially since something cannot be completely perfect.

A few months ago, I was closely analyzing this business because of a housing opportunity I got in the coastal area of the island where I live. The dark side I found about this business affirmed all my doubts about starting it.

What surprises me most about what I discovered is that almost nobody talks about it. The only negative side I always heard was about the housing cost and the issues with the locals who already lived there, but it sounded like the perfect business on paper.

For that reason, I decided to write a post about these specific issues so you are aware of them if you want to start this business eventually.

The whole process of dealing with tourists is a nightmare.



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice