The Digital Twin for Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPSS)

Organizations need to have a clear vision for the future of digital technology and its impact on their business. The Digital Twin concept represents both a physical and a virtual world in which industrial products receive dynamic digital representations.

Ensar Seker
The Startup


While the term “digital twin” typically refers to a data-driven physical model of a system, it can also be used to describe an emulated or simulated device that may be connected to an emulated network.

The Digital Twin is a computer model that reflects and simulates the real object and its interactions with its surroundings, providing a more accurate representation of the shape and shape of the object than a physical replica. The method of replicating physical objects is still in its infancy, and it requires specific technology and equipment to succeed.

Digital twins are simple; they act as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds by using sensors to collect real-time data on physical objects. This data is used to create digital duplicates of these objects, which make it possible to understand, analyze, manipulate, and optimize them.



Ensar Seker
The Startup

Cybersecurity | Artificial Intelligence | Blockchain