The Downfall of the Instagram Influencer

Why influencers are slowly becoming irrelevant in our modern society.

Thom Gallet
The Startup


This year, Instagram’s influencer engagement rates fell to a near all-time low.

According to an article by Mobile Marketer, the engagement rates for sponsored posts fell to 2.4% in 2019 from 4% three years earlier. This drop represents almost a 50% decline over three years.

Instagram influencers are losing their standing in this world as people have begun to grow wise to the lack of value they provide.

When I think of an influencer, I imagine a post of an attractive person sitting on a beach typing on their MacBook with the caption reading, office for the day, or something along that ridiculous theme.

I mean it’s not even practical. Have you ever tried doing work under the bright sun on a screen? You can barely see anything you’re doing, all while in the hot, uncomfortable sun.

I unfollowed all of these accounts and told myself I’m going to toss my phone into a lake if I ever subject myself to that content again.

My opinions aside, Instagram influencers are statistically falling in popularity. Both in real engagements, but also in their reputation perceived by society. Once a sought after status, people have…



Thom Gallet
The Startup

Writing optimistic unsolicited advice and opinions.