The Ends Justify the Means

Is this mindset bad enough or can we do worst?

Danny Oak
The Startup


Photo on Stencil

The ends justify the means.

Commonly credited to Machiavelli, these famous words have been used several times across the history of mankind, although rarely on a good day for karma.

I personally disagree with it, but I recognize that focused and driven individuals tend to achieve success more rapidly than the more “passive” ones.

That’s why this excess/lack of focus is something that we should pay attention to and adjust whenever necessary, so we don’t fall too much for any of the extremes.

We shouldn’t walk over everything and everyone to achieve our goals.


We shouldn’t live life drifting, letting tides and winds carrying us away to nowhere.

It’s like Jack Welch said, “Control your own destiny or someone else will”.

So yeah, don’t screw up other people just to get what you want, either that be blackmailing some executive to get his 7-figure-salary job or trying to pass your 47 items on the express-line at the supermarket because “I’m double-parked outside” - Not cool x 2.

Be nice, take care of yourself and your family but in a way that you can later look back and say…



Danny Oak
The Startup

Writer | Writing about my journey to become who I want to be. Join my newsletter SOAK for exclusive content. Join here: