The Essential Art of Choice

Why our decisions matter

The Startup


Image by Johannes Plenio from Pixabay

What makes us choose one thing over another? How do we decide anything when constantly bombarded by a multitude of choices every day?

Does making one choice over another, whether minute or substantial, have a direct influence on our personhood?

I believe it does, and that choice is an improbable path that leads us away and then back to the self.

In my life, I can directly pinpoint instances where my choices rippled out and expanded into decades upon decades of both positive and negative effects.

Take, for example, my decision to turn left instead of right at that fateful stop sign that would result in a life-changing and life-threatening car accident. Or a later decision to embrace the road less traveled and move to Washington D.C. alone, at just 22 years old, in the pursuit of meaning and achievement.

We all can identify choices that span from the seemingly inconsequential to those of great significance.

Choice matters, and whether it’s the decision to have two cups of coffee in the morning or the decision to move across the country and create a new home, our choices have power and consequences.

From the laborious to the trivial, we can never fully predict what unforeseeable…



The Startup

Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.