Picture of me swearing

The F*ck — A Really Helpful Command Line Tool

Niall Maher
The Startup
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2021


Giving a f*ck might actually save you time! This tool makes me laugh and makes me faster with the command line tools so it’s a win-win.

If you want a video version of this guide where I talk a bit more about the fun:

Or else continue reading. 🧑🏻‍💻

Today we will look at “The F*ck” which is a super helpful CLI tool that lets you use those suggested commands in the terminal without having to retype everything again.

Have you ever had that frustrating moment where you type a wrong command, something like grabbing a new branch with git?

But git from that nice suggestion there already knew what we meant so instead we think “f*ck”, and start to type out what we really meant. But thanks to this CLI tool we can just type fuck and it gives us the suggested command and executes it for us.



Niall Maher
The Startup

Writing about my thoughts on running a tech startup, personal growth and building stuff that people love!