The Fears of Startup Founders

Don’t let them stop you from living your dream.

Vidhya Ravi
The Startup


Jumping into the world of entrepreneurship is scary. To become a startup founder, you have to sacrifice. Those sacrifices might be small, like changes to your daily routine to accommodate time to work on your startup. Or they can be significant, like investing your entire savings into something that you hope will change the world. Those sacrifices come at a cost — your free time, your financial safety, your sleep — and you want those sacrifices to be worth it.

My whole adult life, I’ve wanted to be a startup founder — but five main doubts would stop me in my tracks every time.

  1. I will run out of money.
  2. My idea isn’t as good as I think it is.
  3. I don’t know what I’m doing.
  4. I’m giving up too much to do this.
  5. If I fail, I will be a failure.

Finally, the desire to start something of my own began to push me out of my comfort zone and into my fear zone — where I had to learn to make friends with my fears. Despite starting this journey several months ago, nearly every day, I have a moment of panic where one of these fears takes over my mind, and I think,

“I just can’t do this.”



Vidhya Ravi
The Startup

UX Researcher | Family Travel Planner | Dog Lover