The First Book You Should Read When Learning to Code

Piero Borrelli
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020


Building a strong career from the foundations.

Flame-uploading. Source Icons8
Flame Uploading. Source Icons8

Modern days have imposed a standard to us where even taking a choice has become, sometimes, quite difficult. And the reason behind this is the almost unlimited amount of choices we are provided with.

Don’t you sometimes feel like a baby in a candy shop? Looking at all the shiny resources you can choose from. You can literally pick up an incredible amount of skills with online courses, Udemy lessons, Youtube videos. Of course, the programming world has followed this trend with a crazy amount of choices provided to learners of all levels.

Isn’t that frustrating sometimes may I ask you?

Because yes, the shiny material you look at can sometimes become a burden and crush you under the weight of indecision. What language should you begin with? What courses should you follow? Should you go with a basic book or a complete online course?

Modern days have created the concept of over choice. And nobody is safe from that. What if you picked the wrong resource? What if you wasted your money while there was something better between the 30 JavaScript courses…



Piero Borrelli
The Startup

Software developer turned entrepreneur. Founder of a technical marketing agency at: