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The Gift of Anxiety

And what it can lead to

White Feather
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2019


Anxiety is something that happens when we suddenly feel disconnected from the Universe, from our Source. We can deep-dive into that anxiety or we can see it as a message to reconnect to that love that flows through us AT ALL TIMES from the Universe, from our Source. We can drown in anxiety or see it as a gift, a red flag, an indication of our disconnection.

I have never known anyone who is totally anxiety-free. Have you? I am most certainly not anxiety-free. But I don’t get sucked into anxiety as easily as I used to. I have lived a lifetime of anxiety and recently I got tired of it. I got tired of getting the same message — and all anxiety comes with a message.

Anxiety is a guidance system. We have body anxiety, mental anxiety, emotional anxiety, and even spiritual anxiety. Every time it is a message to get back into the flow of love; the energy that keeps us alive and flowing. And the way to get back in that flow is through surrender.

Anxiety makes us scared to death of surrender. Unconditional love transforms all things and anything that keeps us from surrendering to it is a condition that keeps it from being unconditional. Our minds and emotions and bodies have an endless list of conditions that keep us from surrendering. There are endless reasons to not let go of anxiety, the chief of which…

