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The Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Rush Is For Real

Rafey Iqbal Rahman
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2019


RSNA 2018

In 2018, health care sector raised a whopping amount of $256m, making it the highest grossing sector in Europe. The amalgamation of AI and data-driven technologies into the health care sector is undergoing at an undefined pace. In 2018, the largest radiological meeting by the name of 104th Scientific Assembly Radiological Society of North America by the Radiological Society of North America, aka RSNA 2018, was held over a course of 06 days. A diversified group of leading scientists and medical researchers, think-tanks and health care startups gathered to bring to the table the innovative yet feasible solutions to curb the growing concern of the health and safety. The meeting, possessing the catchphrase of “Tomorrow’s Radiology Today” witnessed an intake of more than 45,000 attendees, 797 exhibitors to be precise, more than 80 startups, 431 session talks, 44 theatre presentations and 951 scientific posters. For the very first time, the application of advanced data augmentation using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) was observed for the generation of abnormal brain MRI images. Moreover, a faster, accurate approach for the diagnosis of brain tumor using three-dimensional automatic segmentation was observed for the enabling of better treatment of the fatal disease.


The 21st edition of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2018), a 5-day conference held from 16–20 September in Granada, the city of Spain, hosted leading and top-notch biomedical engineers, scientists and clinical experts. The 2018 conference recorded a 33% boost in registration by delegation by its predecessor in 2017 with over 1400 registered delegates. The 2-day Satellite Events witnessed a total of more than 1600 attendees. The paper acceptance ratio was at least 37% with 373 papers accepted, with a total of 261 papers featuring AI, from a variety of more than 1000 papers. The conference also comprised of 79 posters, 40 workshops, 14 tutorials, 12 challenges and 04 keynote speaking sessions. The technique demonstrated for the automatic segmentation of the lung lobes, with an average runtime of 2000 milliseconds grabbed the limelight by winning the Best Paper Award.

MIDL 2018

For the very first time, an international conference on medical imaging with Deep Learning was held by the name of MIDL 2018, in the capital of Netherlands, in the month of July, generally the warmest month of the year in Amsterdam. The conference catered DL researchers, clinical experts and health care corporations. The inaugural conference witnessed around 300 attendees, 04 keynote speakers from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Facebook AI Research, Open AI and the University of Guelph in Canada, 21 oral presentations, 61 poster presentations and a paper acceptance rate of 41%, all these stats deemed good for an inaugural conference.

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Rafey Iqbal Rahman
The Startup

Published Writer @swlh. Writing focused on technology, business and entrepreneurship.