The Importance of Component Based UI Design

Colin Rumball
The Startup
Published in
8 min readOct 15, 2020

Working for many years in the mobile games industry taught me a lot about how complex AAA titles are developed, how working with a major brand licensor can affect decision making, and how working on large teams requires careful planning of resources and timelines — but it also taught me how NOT to structure processes for development when working closely with UI implementation.

When I started working on my own side projects using a web tech stack, I taught myself about the many other ways in which UI systems can be structured, especially using the principles of Atomic design, and started to understand better what a good developer experience could be, reinvigorating my passion for development.

I have seen so many pitfalls in the development processes I’ve been a part of, and I believe that investing in creating a smooth pipeline for developing UI is worth the time it takes to set up, and offers many benefits to the entire creation pipeline.

The Problem-filled Process

Our process of UI implementation in my experience had notably poor practices:

  • Relies on an outdated WYSIWYG editor, like Adobe Flash, to manually position all of the interfaces.
  • Screen layouts are replicated from png image mockups (or a video in the case of motion design).
  • UI artists have to provide detailed pixel spacing, font styling, and desired styling effects in annotated versions of the mockups.
  • UI programmers are rarely given interactive prototypes to show exactly how the desired interactions are supposed to function.
  • UI art assets are created in line with a cohesive style guide that is not followed by any design system on the code side for reusability of components.
  • The processed flash files for individual screens generate hundreds of individual classes that are not referenced outside of the screens they are used in.
  • Requires meticulous naming of items in flash for the C# make script to run correctly.
  • No procedures for isolated testing or usability testing for the UI framework, and no automated testing tools to speak of.

Localized issues to the UI pipeline

This method of developing UI is time consuming and laborious, giving the team major development headaches, and the delivered features are often buggy and unpolished.

  • Process of implementing designs is tedious and repetitive leading to capable programmers spending precious project time on poor process & pixel-pushing images around an ill-fitted, outdated program.
  • Designs are often implemented incorrectly in a myriad of minor ways on the aesthetic level or in functionality due to the limited format of the passed designs, leading to a lot of time spent sending work back through the pipeline.
  • No unified technical solution when reusable components are limited or nonexistent, forcing developers to solve common, similar problems using sometimes vastly different solutions leading to a codebase that grows increasingly inconsistent.
  • Inflexible UI framework restricting design & UI artists, requiring them to follow certain limitations that sometimes contradict best practices in UX & UI design.
  • Unmaintainable UI files & code restricts rapid iteration when simple tweaks and reskins could easily lead to bloated timelines with weeks of extra work piling up every time we needed to address designs iteratively.
  • The make script is not developer experience friendly often making reusing already created flash assets a more demanding activity instead of a less demanding one, further adding on to wasted time due to the tools & processes.
  • Inability to develop or test UI implementations in isolation leading to difficulties when verifying correct implementation of complex states of interaction, and often introduced unintended side effects to other areas of the game.
  • Manually testing from a predetermined checklist solely means many edge cases or unconventional user behaviors are not caught before release, leading to massive bug backlog that often takes priority of the developers’ time.

The Case for the Button

To exemplify the effect of this system, one of the smallest and most common units of UI becomes a victim of this process, the humble button. If the existing system has no universal button component, and many variations & instances of the button are created without a reference to a master, it means developers have to manually update and visually verify hundreds of different instances of buttons if even one small change is made to the button styling. Leaving so much room for human error in the manual checking process often leads to having many inconsistent behaviors and appearances:

  • Incorrectly used art assets such as nine-slice backgrounds, borders, embedded icons, etc.
  • Differing button sizes from screen to screen since their dimensions are generally unenforced.
  • Text styling or alignment implemented incorrectly.
  • Button states such as hover, press, disabled, etc. set on a per screen basis and being missed altogether sometimes.
  • Placement and alignment within parent containers are inconsistent and requires meticulous manual adjustment.
  • Button transition animations again must be implemented on a per screen basis reducing confidence in animations remaining consistent across the game.

Global issues to the entire development process

When working with a large team of multidisciplinary peers, this poor process trickles out into the larger pipeline and can have devastating effects on multiple areas of the software development environment.

  • UI implementation is often the bottleneck to the entire project’s progression due to the slow & error prone methods, often having too much work prepared, ready, and waiting to be implemented on the design & art side, and not enough time for the UI developers to implement it all.
  • Quality of life improvements desired from players, design & UX are bottom priority which adversely affects the player’s experience of a game when their concerns are heard but there’s no bandwidth available to make them a reality.
  • Features designed as complete experiences often have to get cut into smaller pieces to allow for the minimum viable product of the design to be put in to production, thus sacrificing the integrity of the design & the designer’s who want to see their best work reflected in the product by leaving little or no time to return to the original design.
  • Following industry best practices of rapid iteration and failing faster is not possible which means often the same stale tropes of interaction patterns and feature designs are followed, which doesn’t encourage a team culture of experimentation and iterative design.
  • UI artists suffer a large disconnect from the process by which their work is created when limited tools can restrict the possibilities of their visual explorations, and their existing systematic way of creating styled components isn’t represented in a common design system.
  • The cost to start up new projects can be astronomical when there are few shared resources to start from, including a lack of a boilerplate UI kit to be able to reuse and retheme a design system easily for prototyping & developing future games.
  • Interteam & interstudio support and knowledge sharing is not inherent to the process because each team uses their tools so differently without having standardized processes, so as a result building a collaborative culture doesn’t happen naturally and teams become very siloed.

A better way: Atomic Design

When working with a UI design system, there is benefit in addressing it on an atomic scale, in a modular, organized & scalable way, by building it up from bottom to top. Screens shouldn’t be built by forcing entire design layouts into one component, but instead we should look at inventing modular and reusable components for all of our screens that are modelled on the reusable patterns found in the UI style guide., Design system — the ‘holy grail’ of things

An Atomic Design system encompasses all that goes into creating and maintaining robust design systems, allowing for the capability to roll out higher quality, more consistent UI products, faster than ever before. Web designer Brad Frost has coined this term of design thinking, and it has quickly become a standard way to structure web-based frameworks for UI.

Sybo games 2019, Building a unified cross-project UI framework (Unity)

By taking the time to set up your foundational reusable UI pieces as modular components, you can combine them into larger and more layered containers that can be reused on multiple screens that require it, while still maintaining isolated modifiable components.

How it improves the development pipeline

  • Easier to reuse, modify, and test implementations by separating out UI presentation and interaction logic into isolated components.
  • Gives confidence in quality when each screen is referencing the single source of truth for UI components; a well-designed system makes it easy to do the right things and annoying (but not impossible) to do the wrong things.
  • Easier to maintain the system so that if changes are requested later, it’s easy to modify the system’s components without it being a huge endeavor to manually update all the scattered pieces of UI.
  • Gives freedom to developers who don’t have to repeat the same repetitive actions & coding practices by being able to easily access a library of shared components.
  • Less time wasted by programmers on pixel pushing tedium, allowing them more time to focus on what matters, like getting features in and bugs fixed.
  • Creates a shared design language between design, art, and developers that speeds up product delivery and improves UX consistency.
  • UI programmers stop constantly reinventing the wheel allowing them to focus more on UI composition rather than UI creation.

Aiming to work smarter not harder

I have been drawn towards web development practices for their innate use of these principles that makes the developer experience a more frustration-free one, the difference can feel like night and day. I no longer feel like I’m constantly repeating myself in the same old routines of poor practices, tools, and methodologies that I cannot control or see those around me trying to improve.

I believe it’s worth putting in the effort up front before diving into full production development — what in games should be a period for proper pre-production — to architect systems for intelligent development workflows and practices. For a studio who will have more than one product in their suite, it’s the work you have to put in once and diligently maintain that can open the doors to much faster development cycles of newer & better products.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash



Colin Rumball
The Startup

Passionate about making great developer experiences and processes, maintainable & scalable code, well-designed systems architecture, and the perfect stack 🥞