The Inside Story of How George Lucas Became the Greatest Options Trader of Our Time

Reza Kunimoto
The Startup
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2019



Love it. Hate it. It doesn’t matter.

The force WON’T stop printing money.

Just like with Marvel, Disney paid BILLIONS for Star Wars. And now it’s everywhere you go: The Last Jedi, The Mandalorian, Solo, Rogue One, Kenobi.

Every success, though, comes from humble beginnings.

Were you aware the original concept for Star Wars was a ‘Space Opera’?

Furthermore, did you know that George Lucas gambled his directorial salary on its success?

And by doing so, he carbon froze his place in history as the most profitable options trader of our time?

If you don’t know the story, then read on to learn how Lucas actually made his billions.

By understanding his tale, you’ll see opportunities in your own life.

How, by executing the right trade, you can make a windfall later in life. In one form or the other.

A Young Director Named George

A long time ago in a suburb far, far away…. a young 29-year-old director named George Lucas lived in a small one-bedroom apartment.



Reza Kunimoto
The Startup

Ex-Corporate Equities Trader | Ex-JP Morgan | Early Retiree | Options Trader | Investor | Author |