The Key To A Productive Day Starts the Night Before

The Productivity Tips Nobody is Talking About

Natasha Reddy
The Startup
5 min readOct 22, 2019


What if I told you a productive day starts at night? That the activities you perform during the hours after sunset will greatly influence your next day? It wouldn’t seem to add up would it?

During the evening hours we often enjoy binge watching television, going out for drinks, catching up with friends and just chilling out. Free from the stresses of the 9 to 5. We don’t feel accountable for the evening, once we are done our day’s work.

We’re often told how to start the day — with intention, rising early, going for a jog, meditating and practicing gratitude. We try to follow through a variation of this routine every morning but by the time the evening rolls around we throw all our good habits to the curb. We do whatever is impulsive in the moment. And this is where the problem lies. It is the real reason we aren’t as productive as we want to be.

Your nighttime routine will greatly influence your next day. If we look to Judaism, the Torah defines the day as beginning with the evening and followed by the morning. Not only do Jewish holidays begin at nightfall but everyday does. So why does this matter?

It goes beyond the mere definition of a calendar and how time is organized. It has implications on our attitude to life and how we can approach each day.

We see the sunshine as bright and positive; a golden raw abundant energy that powers us through.

We see the darkness as dull and heavy, burdening us with challenges and doubts.

By bringing focus to the night first, it is analogous to the saying,

“The light at the end of the tunnel,”

The darkness and it’s challenges make way for us to rise and grow to the sunshine of tomorrow. Thus, there is always light to the end of every day as opposed to darkness.

The night is essential preparation for the day to come. If we learn through this spiritual lens we can understand the importance of a healthy nighttime routine.

“I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.”
Stephenie Meyer

Here are 5 nighttime routines for you to follow to bring greater clarity and focus to your days.


Yes, put away those devices. I know we have heard this time and again but it is important to protect your eyes from the blue light emitted from your TVs, smartphones and laptops 60 to 90 minutes before you sleep. The body interprets this light as daytime and hence makes it harder for us to fall asleep. It also suppresses your melatonin levels causing your circadian rhythm to go out of whack. Suddenly you’re in your bed wired!

Set a night time curfew for your phone. Keep your phone away from your arm’s reach if you use your phone as an alarm clock so that you aren’t tempted to check social media one last time before you call it a night. This will also ensure you get out of bed when your alarm rings. Using the wellbeing features on your smartphone is another effective way to control the lighting on your phone should you pick it up later in the evening.

Tidy Up

There is nothing worse than waking up to a sink full of dishes. Spending the last 10 minutes of your day putting your home in order is always a welcome surprise for the morning. You want to wake up to a new day feeling a sense of accomplishment. By clearing the clutter you are naturally preparing yourself for success. Keep your bedroom neat and tidy, it is your sanctuary for well deserved rest.

Go to Bed An Hour Earlier

Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight.

We’ve all heard of this old adage from our parents and grandparents. While it is not completely true, there is something to be said about going to bed early. Setting yourself up for bedtime an hour earlier will give you the time to unwind, meditate and fall into the mood of slumber. A short evening meditation practice or an intention setting for the next day are all fabulous ways to tuck in for the night.

The importance of a good night’s sleep is reinforced in a famous TED Talk given by successful business leader, Arianna Huffington, which you can watch here:

Plan Your Next Day

Ever wake up in the morning scrambling to grab coffee and wrap your head around what’s on for the day? That feeling of chaos can be totally avoided by creating a To Do List the previous night. Setting an intention for the goals you hope to achieve the following day with a clear plan of action is the most effective way to guarantee a productive day.

Similarly, planning your outfit, prepping your meal, or packing your bag are all little steps to ensure you start your day prepared and ready to go. Humans are creatures of habit, we like certainty and so having a plan is always the best route to go.

Read or Learn Something New

Reading can vastly improve your retention and productivity, whilst also reducing stress levels. A good old fashioned book on your nightstand is a perfect way to end the day.

Ever go to bed trying to solve a hard problem but to no avail? And then wake up the next day with an instant solution? While we sleep our brain’s subconscious processing power enables us to make sense of new information. It’s always a good idea to pour in some new information for our brain to mull over whilst we sleep.


Think of one good thing you did today. It could be something as simple as smile at a stranger or hold open a door for your neighbour. It’s easy to find beauty and gratitude in each day. We are all humans who must wake up to a purpose. Doing a good deed daily fuels our self worth and keeps us going.

It is only when we pause and reflect in solitude that we can cut through the noise of the daily hustle and bustle and find our true selves.

Taking the time to practice these nighttime routines will vastly change the way you start your day.

