The Life-Changing Elevator Pitch That Consistently Lands Me 7-Figure Clients

Get smarter at landing high-income clients by sharpening your elevator pitch.

Jano le Roux
The Startup


An illustration of two hand silhouettes catching money with wings as two hourglasses indicate the passing of time on a dark green rough-textured background.
Illustration by Jano le Roux

Imagine you get into an elevator with your dream client.

The client asks you: What do you do for a living?

You have 30 seconds to close the client.

What would you say?

Here’s what I’d say:

You know that feeling you get when you have to painfully squeeze out the last squirt of toothpaste in the tube before going to bed after a long miserable day at work?

Prospect: Oh yes! That’s the absolute worst!

The absolute worst! [Mirror]

So, people come to me feeling just like that when their hair turn grey because paid ads are sucking the life out of them — and their wallets.

I bring a stroke of life back by helping them diversify their online traffic streams through Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest ads so that they can focus on growing their businesses instead of constantly stressing about what happens when one traffic source randomly goes dry.



Jano le Roux
The Startup

An award-winning marketing consultant who helps high-growth brands craft marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing. Open for work——Join me ⤵️