The Must-Know Clean Code Principles

The book that has most inspired me in software development

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The Startup


File: Robert C. Martin surrounded by computers.jpg Author: Angelacleancoder

In a recent article, I wrote an article called: “40 Tips that will change your coding skills forever”, which is based on the things that have given me more value in this profession. In this new article, I am going to write about one of the books that have most inspired me: The Clean Code book, written by the God Robert C Martin, also known as ‘Uncle Bob.’

The book is one of the most important that exists for anyone who wants to be a good software developer. It has a lot of fantastic recommendations and is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their development skills.

Learning to use different libraries or frameworks is fine, but what is going to move you forward is learning the pillars of this profession. I think the first time I read it was in 2008 or 2009, and my way of developing software changed forever, for better. These principles will serve you forever, no matter what language you learn or what framework you will use.

I am going to select some of the ideas in it (and others that time has taught me), but if you have not read it, I strongly advise you to do so.

Let’s start.

Universal principles to follow:



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The Startup

Software engineer - software Enthusiast - Sci-Fi writer.