Realizing the Need for Empowering Entrepreneurs, Everywhere

It is important to create an environment where we respect the entrepreneurial spirit and cheer them on.

Vinay Nair
The Startup
Published in
7 min readApr 5, 2020


What is an entrepreneur?

Off the top of your head, you probably imagine a dashing hustler as I ask this; one with head teeming with ideas and eyes alight with hope.

Chances are, words and phrases like risk-taking, and innovation spring to your mind as well. If your mental image matches the description I just gave, you are like most of us who liken an entrepreneur to an everyday superhero of sorts.

An entrepreneur is someone who bears risks for taking a new idea forward, one who drives our economy to new heights.

They are the brave-hearts who stand at the forefront of our startups, which are so often touted as the “growth engines” of modern economies.

They are the people who brave the uphill climb and shape the future of our businesses.

Because of the brilliant work that many of them often do, it is sometimes easy to think of them as geniuses with superbrains who have nearly all of it sorted. Sadly, however, for much of the general populace, the impression of a failed…

