The Never-Ending Cycle of Social Media Platforms

I’m just looking for a true connection.

Leona Françoise Caanen
The Startup


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash.

I’m so sick and tired of starting over on a new social media platform.

My social media journey started out with MSN, those were the days. Different coloured fonts and casually chatting with your crush, asking if they would be online later. Then there was Hyves, which was basically the Dutch version of Facebook… although they definitely didn’t think the name through in English(shoutout to my fellow Dutchies!). Then, when I moved abroad and was introduced to the world of international school kids, I was considered old enough by my mom to be on Facebook. And I loved Facebook. The endless liking of pages that were basically meme titles as a page. The endless writing on walls of friends. Inside jokes, photobooth photos. The whole awkward teenager things from back in 2012.

A few years and too many status updates later, came Instagram. A new platform to share photos. At least that was its intent back in 2014. Maybe this would be the platform that would avoid those cringy status updates. The very ones that Facebook reminds me of every now and then with the “on this day 10 years ago”. This makes me feel old. How have I already been on one social platform for 10 years?



Leona Françoise Caanen
The Startup

2x published author. World-traveller. 25 year-old, living in Amsterdam. Love connecting with new people & sharing stories about life.