The next President is going to have an economic mess to clean up

Trump does deserve credit for the economy… now that it’s starting to go south

Michael Greiner
The Startup


Trump loves to trumpet (pun intended) his economy.

“Our economy is better than it has been in many decades.”

“The Trump Economy is setting records.”

“For all of the Fake News Sunday Political Shows, whose bias & dishonesty is greater than ever seen in our Country before, please inform your viewers that our Economy is setting records, with more people employed today than at any time in U.S. history.”

Trump cabinet meeting, 2017, by Office of the President of the United States — @realDonaldTrump on Twitter, Public Domain,

These are all taken from actual Trump tweets. I’m sure most readers believe he said them, given his propensity to crow about the economy at every opportunity. Indeed, as some have pointed out, Trump’s only argument in favor of re-election is the economy.

You don’t have to dig far, though, to see that the economy is not doing as well as Trump claims. Setting aside the issue of inequality, here are some facts showing that his great economic accomplishment, and arguably his only legislative accomplishment, his tax cut, has been a bust for the economy.

  • The argument for the tax cut is that it would boost business investment. In reality, though, since the tax cut



Michael Greiner
The Startup

Mike is an Assistant Professor of Management for Legal and Ethical Studies at Oakland U. Mike combines his scholarship with practical experience in politics.