Courtesy of Kelvin Han

The Next Trillion-Dollar Startup Is Going to Be an Education Company

How entrepreneurs and businesses can cash in on AI learning, peer-to-peer learning, and corporate education

The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2021


According to Clayton Christensen, who developed the theory of disruptive innovation, most disrupters win by focusing on low-end disruption. This is how Amazon was created.

Incumbents focus on big clients and fat margins. They ignore small niches because for a $100 billion company to grow 10% one needs to find an opportunity worth $10 billion.

By going downstream and finding a profitable way to deliver, you compete against non-consumption. You find a “blue ocean”. Over time, this stronghold and ability to stay leaner allow you to go upstream and replace the incumbents.

One market ripe for low-end disruption is the education market.

Education market

In 2030 the global education market will reach $10 trillion. Traditionally, education has been very expensive (the US is a case in point). There is a reason why most education is done by governments and in places where it isn’t a mess. As highlighted in The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley:

Healthcare and education are among the few things that…



Dima Syrotkin
The Startup

CEO @pandatronai dev self-awareness 📚 metamodernism. Rebuild 🇺🇦